"When you look at your life,
the greatest happiness is
family happiness,"
~Joyce Brothers

Because I was a single mom for so long, and spent a lot of time just trying to pay for the roof over our head by working full time and going to college, I instigated "Forced Family Fun". When they were little, we would do it every other week, but as they get older it tends to be once a month, and/or during school breaks. No matter what, we schedule a day to do something 'fun'. It could be playing a game of Yahtzee, going to the movies, attending a museum, etc. And most of the time one of the kids would complain, but in the end we would laugh and have fun.
Today was our Forced Family Fun Day.
Although I really wanted to go to the zoo, Michigan's weather turned on us with snow, rain and cold temperatures, so instead we ventured to Frankenmuth, Michigan. Frankenmuth is called "The Little Bavaria" and is famous for chicken dinners and its small town charm.
And since we didn't go to the real zoo, we pretended with the stuffed animals. Dumb? Sure. Magical? Absolutely. And just so you know, we didn't get kicked out of any stores.
You have a beautiful family and they have an amazing mother!